AS - Exam Practice

10-Marker Answer for Baron-Cohen

This lesson brings to you a model answer for the May/June 2024 10-marker question asking to evaluate the Baron-Cohen Eyes Test study.

*Please note the answer is deliberately written longer than expected in the exam as it was used in a video for explaining how to write 10-markers*

Studying this answer should help you gain perspective on how to structure your 10-marker and what content to cover in it?

You can download the model answer from below. Happy learning!

Do you want to understand how to write this answer? DO you learn better from videos? Then do watch my video lesson below-

search terms – 9990 psychology, 9990 a levels psychology, AS psychology, cie psychology, IGCSE psychology, as and a levels psychology, Paper 1 model answer, 10-marker, Baron-Cohen, May/June 2024, exam preparation, Eyes Test, 10-markers, core studies, model answers, AS Core Studies, 9990 2024-26 new syllabus

A2 - Organisational Psychology

Paper 3 10-marker Model Answer for Organisational Psychology

In this lesson, I present you with a 10-marker answer from Paper 3 – organisation option – on need theories for motivation at work. This question was asked on the May/June 2024 Paper 3.

The question that has been answered is, “Evaluate what psychologists studying motivation to work have discovered about:  

  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and  
  • McClelland’s theory of achievement motivation, including a discussion about determinism versus freewill.

Evaluation in your answer can include strengths, weaknesses and a discussion of issues and debates.” [10] (May/June 2024)

You can download the model answer from below. Happy learning!

Do you need to learn how to write the answer as well? Learn from the video lesson below-

Writing 10-markers for Paper 3 – Organisational Psychology

search terms – 9990 psychology, 9990 a levels psychology, A2 psychology, cie psychology, IGCSE psychology, as and a levels psychology, Paper 3 model answers, motivation at work, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, McClelland’s need theory, exam preparation, organisational psych, sample answers, marked answers, A-levels determinism v/s free-will, validity, cultural differences, 9990 2024-26 new syllabus

A2 - Consumer Psychology

Solving Paper 3 for Consumer Psychology Option – Specimen 2024 – Video Lesson

Highly requested lesson by students – Writing Paper 3 Answers for A level Consumer Psychology – is out now!!

Watch it below-

There’s no time to waste with October/November exams round the corner. Book your psychology classes with Jyotika Varmani now!

Whatsapp – +919892507784

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key search terms – cie 9990 psychology notes, consumer psychology for a levels, consumer psychology 9990, a levels consumer psychology, a levels psychology notes, a levels psychology revision, cie 9990 psychology revision, psychology, consumer psychology a2

A2 - Health Psychology

Solving Paper 3 for Health Psychology Option – May/June 2024 – Video Lesson

The most requested lesson students – Writing Paper 3 Answers for A level Health Psychology – is out now!!

Watch it below-

There’s no time to waste with October/November exams round the corner. Book your psychology classes with Jyotika Varmani now!

Whatsapp – +919892507784

E-mail –

key search terms – cie 9990 psychology notes, health psychology for a levels, health psychology 9990, a levels health psychology, a levels psychology notes, a levels psychology revision, cie 9990 psychology revision, psychology, health psychology a2

A2 - Health Psychology

Paper 3 10-marker Model Answer for Health Psychology

Learning from the mistakes of others can be a good way to avoid those mistakes yourself. In this lesson, I present you with a 10-marker answer from Paper 3 – health option – on making and presenting a diagnosis that I have corrected.

The question that has been answered is, “Evaluate what psychologists have discovered about making and presenting a diagnosis, including a discussion of validity. [10]

My comments should give you insights on common errors made in answering this type of question and how you can avoid making these errors yourself.

You can download the corrected answer and the following model answer from below. Happy learning!

search terms – 9990 psychology, 9990 a levels psychology, A2 psychology, cie psychology, IGCSE psychology, as and a levels psychology, Paper 3 model answers, making and presenting a diagnosis, breast cancer and mammogram, diagnoses, exam preparation, health psych, sample answers, marked answers, A-levels reductionism v/s holism, 9990 2024-26 new syllabus

A2 - Organisational Psychology

Short Answers for Paper 4 – LPI

Learning from the mistakes of others can be a good way to avoid those mistakes yourself. In this lesson, I present you with answers from Paper 4 – organisation option – on the LPI that I have corrected. My comments should give you insights on common errors made in answering these type of questions and how you can avoid making these errors yourself.

You can download the corrected answers from below. Happy learning!

search terms – 9990 psychology, 9990 a levels psychology, A2 psychology, cie psychology, IGCSE psychology, as and a levels psychology, Paper 4 model answers, LPI, Kousez and Posner, Leadership Practices Inventory, exam preparation, leadership, sample answers, marked answers, A-levels psychometrics, 9990 2024-26 new syllabus

AS - Core Studies AS - Exam Practice

Hassett et al. – Core Study # 2 – Past Paper Practice Answers

The Hassett et al. (monkey toy preferences) study is discussed from an exam-oriented viewpoint in this lesson. This lesson supplements a video lesson, available on my YouTube channel. Learn how to write various exam answers from the study in this lesson.

As a tutor, I focus on exam-oriented preparation by getting my students to practice answer writing from the word ‘go’!

In my recent YouTube lesson starting with core study #2 Hassett et al. I have discussed this answer-writing approach to preparing for the 9990 exams at length.

You can download the answers I have used for discussion in that lesson from below and then move over to watching the video from the link below it. Happy learning!

Watch my video that guides you through writing the answers above if you haven’t seen it already-

AS - Core Studies AS - Exam Practice

Dement and Kleitman – Core Study # 1 – Past Paper Practice Answers

Your exam-oriented practice for core study #1 of the latest CIE 9990 psychology syllabus - Dement and Kleitman (sleep and dreams). Learn how to write various exam answers from the study in this lesson.

As a tutor, I focus on exam-oriented preparation by getting my students to practice answer writing from the word ‘go’!

In my recent YouTube lesson starting with core study #1 Dement and Kleitman I have discussed this answer-writing approach to preparing for the 9990 exams at length.

You can download the answers I have used for discussion in that lesson from below and then move over to watching the video from the link below it. Happy learning!

Watch my video that guides you through writing the answers above if you haven’t seen it already-

A2 - Clinical Psychology

6- and 10-marker Model Answers for Explanations of OCD

6- and 10-marker questions in the specimen paper for the 2024-26 syllabus were asked from the explanations of OCD. Learn from model answers below to understand how you should be answering these questions.

And if you haven’t already, watch my video on how to answer such questions which is linked after the download below. Happy learning!

Watch the video on how to answer the 6- and 10-markers on paper 3 below-

search terms – model answers, 9990 psychology, 9990 a levels psychology, clinical psychology, cie psychology, as and a levels psychology, OCD., specimen paper 3 2024, explanations of OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychological explanations, psychodynamic, explanations, 9990 2024-26 new syllabus

AS - Exam Practice

10-Marker Answer for Saavedra and Silverman

Learning from the mistakes of others can be a good way to avoid those mistakes yourself. In this lesson, I present you with an average 10-marker, corrected with my feedback so that you can learn how to move beyond average and above-average to the perfect 10-markers for your paper 1.

You can download the corrected answer from below. Happy learning!

search terms – 9990 psychology, 9990 a levels psychology, AS psychology, cie psychology, IGCSE psychology, as and a levels psychology, Paper 1 model answer, 10-marker, Saavedra and Silverman, exam preparation, button phobia, 10-markers, core studies, model answers, AS Core Studies, 9990 2024-26 new syllabus